Clinical Trials

Full Service EEG Clinical Trials Provider

Advanced Brain Monitoring provides full service EEG for clinical trials using the StatX Series wireless EEG systems administered concurrently with a full suite of tasks, including resting state and event-related related protocols. Stat X24 combines rapid application, low patient burden and disposable materials with high quality EEG acquisition easily performed in a clinical or home setting. Our team has expertise in customized quantitative EEG analysis, biomarker development and implementation, and support of international investigational drug clinical trials. Biomarker specializations include Alzheimer’s and dementia, Parkinson’s and basal ganglia disorders, mood disorders and other neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases.
Available Active and Passive Tasks for Clinical Trials Include:
  • Resting state - eyes open and eyes closed
  • Auditory Oddball (Passive and Active)
  • Standard Image Recognition
  • Emotional Face Recognition
  • 3-Choice Vigilance Task
  • Forward and Backward Digit Span
  • Verbal PAL and Memory Scan
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